Demo Link

Demo Link

please check if cloned project to Server’s [site_root]/public/atp-data-vis

Development Log

[Version 1 (abandoned)]

This is a small front-end work by me (kingshark). Some tech used to implement it includes:

  • Data is grabbed from ATP official website via Python with the help of python lib Beautiful Soup
  • The WebPage and Animation is implemented using Vue.js;

Memory of this version:

[Version 2]

I updated the whole project.

  • used D3.js as the main data visualization lib.
  • use Python (selenium + BeautifulSoup) to write scrapper to get all history ATP Rankings from offical ATP site.

Now ATP official Site has Cloudflare bot/ddos protection, so I use Selenium to bypass it.


Upgrading… going to put github repository later.