
Released online and operated since year Feb, 2019.

Built with: Django(Python) + Vue.js + AWS EC2/S3 + Gitlab CI/CD


  • User Sign-in/Signup
  • As a property owner or agent, publish/manage property rental info.
  • As a potential tenant, search published properties renting records, and all their details.
  • As a potential tenant, publish property hunting info.
  • As a potential tenant, see automatically matched properties.
  • Different property rental publishing packages. free edition and premium edition.
  • Support different payment options to get premium edition publishing package.

    includes Paypal, Credit Card, WechatPay (QR code scan), AliPay (QR code scan).

  • Automaticallly generate featured rental properties on homepage, to realise the value of premium edition
  • Operated since
